Bleach Porn Story: Mine
Chapter 4
Yoruichi looked up from her paperwork with surprise, “Kuchiki-sama, I certainly didn’t expect you to be back so soon!” A frown tugged at her darkly tanned face, “What has Ichigo done to make you so angry?”
Rukia took a deep, calming breath before raising her eyes to meet Yoruichi’s confused golden ones. “What has Ichigo done? Nothing. The question is, what have you done to him and why?” Rukia’s aura was emanating malevolence as she steadily advanced toward Yoruichi. “Tell me, Yoruichi-san, have you ever tasted your own blood before? You’re about to.” Rukia began to smile maniacally, “When I’m done with you, you deceitful bitch, blood will be the only thing you’ll know.”
“Wait a minute…” Yoruichi stood up and held a placating hand toward Rukia, “What in HELL are you talking about? You need to calm down and explain the problem to me.”