Chapter 4
The next couple of weeks were a blur for Grimmjow, a blur that consisted of drilling the fresh meat until they dropped, teasing Soi Fon, getting the crap kicked out of him after the teasing, and drifting by Death and the Strawberry to see if he could get any additional ‘Captain Bee time’ after work had finished for the night. Routines had always been for the boring as far as he’d been concerned, and he was shocked to find that he was actually enjoying this particular one. Come to think of it, the same could have been said for following orders, doing something that actually qualified as work, and not partying on a regular basis.
Not that he’d straightened out completely.
Teasing the little bee was still his entertainment of choice. She was just too fun to leave alone and, since he’d taken his friends’ advice, she had actually been more inclined to spend some time with him. Of course, the second he went too far he was sent off to deal with the newest squad members, but it was still worth it to see her eyes flash like that. Soi Fon was, no doubt, completely unaware of it, but when he really pissed her off to the point where she attacked there was a moment when she smiled. Not a typical smile, no, but a wicked smile that promised one hell of a something and damn, if it wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d ever seen… Hell, that was half the reason he liked to push her. That expression on her face looked as though she was about to rip either his clothes or his arms off, and it made him feel like he wasn’t going to try and stop her anytime soon.
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